Tuesday 20 October 2015

Mathematical magic squares

Mathematical magic squares
The Mathematical magic squares can be easily made with any sequence of the arithmetic progression like numbers forms squares.
e.g the numbers 1 to 9 can be arranged as square which gives the sum of any row or column or cross line gives same.
i.e the total numbers[n]=9
The sum n number of natural numbers=n[n+1]
The sum of the each row/column/ cross line=45/3=15

Please observe the process as below

 Finally check the each row or column or cross line total
Cross lines

The magic squares gives fun and creates interest on mathematics to children and improve the knowledge about numbers.

As above any arithmetic progression numbers can written as magic squares

e.g: arithmetic progression: 1, 3, 5, 7,…………17

Sum of the ‘n’numbers [i.e sum of odd numbers]=n2=92=81

The sum of the each row or column or cross line=81/3=27

Check the sum of each line i.e row or column or cross line
Sum of 1st row numbers=7+17+3=27
      Sum of 2nd row numbers=5+9+13=27
            Sum of 3rd row numbers=15+1+11=27

             Sum of 1st column numbers=7+5+15=27
     Sum of 2nd column numbers=17+9+1=27
Sum of 3rd column numbers=3+13+11=27

Sum of 1st cross line numbers=7+9+11=27
          Sum of 2nd cross line numbers=3+9+15=27

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