Thursday 15 October 2015

Easy Solution of  quadratic equation ax+bx+c=0
First we should understand that the equation is not solvable, as the
 unknown terms are two i.e  x and  x2. so we can't solve the 

equation until the equation can be written as single unknown 

variable like [kx+l]=m

So let us try.
                                                  ax+bx+c  =0

                            =>ax+bx       =-c

                            =>[ax]+bx =-c              let A=ax

Try to write as A2+2AB on RHS without violating  the equation

 let 2AB =bx =>2[ax]B=b



                =>[ax]+2ax [b/2a]=-c i.e in the form of A2+2AB

                    For getting A2+2AB+B2 add B2 on both sides

               =>[ax]2 +2ax [b/2a]+[b/2a]2=-c+[b/2a]2

As A2+2AB+B2=[A+B]2

                   =>[ax+b/2a]2=-c+[b/2a]2     [b/2a]2=b2/4a

               =>[ax+b/2a]2=-c+b2/4a         -c+b2/4a=[b2-4ac]/4a
              => ax+b/2a= +√[[b2-4ac]/4a]
                    =>ax             =-b/2a+√[[b2-4ac]/4a]
             =>x              =[-b/2a+√[[b2-4ac]/4a]]/a

            =>x              =[-b/2a+√[[b2-4ac]/4a2]

                           :.  x=[-b+√[[b2-4ac]]/2a 

  Solution of  quadratic equation ax2 +bx+c=0 is

 x=[-b+√[[b2-4ac]]/2a the values of the x are two i.e 

 x=[-b+√[[b2-4ac]]/2a or  x=[-b-√[[b2-4ac]]/2a

Properties of the roots of the quadratic equation 
1] If   b2-4ac<0, the roots of the quadratic equation are imaginary or complex numbers and unequal.

2] If   b2-4ac=0, the roots of the quadratic equation are real and      equal.

3]If   b2-4ac>0, the roots of the quadratic equation are real and unequal.

Some of the solved examples.
1] Find the roots of  2x+5x+6 =0
Assume the equation  2x+5x+6 =0 as  ax+bx+c  =0
=>a=2, b=5, c=6
Solution of  quadratic equation ax2 +bx+c=0 is





                           x=-5 + √-23
                                 4      4
2] Find the roots of  x-8x+16 =0
Assume the equation   x-8x+16 =0 as  ax+bx+c  =0
=>a=1, b=-8, c=16
Solution of  quadratic equation ax2 +bx+c=0 is





                           x= 8

       Here the determinant b2-4ac=0, so the roots are real and equal

3]Find the roots of  x2-5x+6 =0
Assume the equation x2-5x+6 =0 as  ax+bx+c  =0
=>a=1, b=-5, c=6
Solution of  quadratic equation ax2 +bx+c=0 is






                           x=[5+1]/2 or [5-1]/2

                           x=6/2 or 4/2

                           x=3 or 2

 Here the determinant b2-4ac>0, so the roots are real and unequal [b2-4ac=1].

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